Sunday, February 6, 2011

Friday Night Fever

When I went to the gym on Friday night, I was encouraged by the number of attractive people there who were also spending their Friday night on a treadmill.  It made me feel less pathetic for being there instead of out doing something more glamorous.  I can't say that there could have been anything better for me to do, though, so I am grateful I have the opportunity to run as often as I do.

Week 3 seemed really hard looking at it from Week 2, but now it's not too bad.  I was actually surprised and somewhat disappointed when my workout was complete the other night.  I felt like it ended too soon, but both timers said it had been 28 minutes, just like it was supposed to be.  Monday finishes up week 3, then it's on to week 4.  I'm excited about the progress I'm making, and how much easier it seems this time around.  It's like my body remembers that it used to do this all the time just 6 months ago.

I also finally got to see the end of Dark Knight at the beginning of my workout.  Like I always say, you gotta hold onto those little things!

Next week I plan to add in two more days of light exercise.  For now I think it might just be 10 minutes on elliptical and 20 minutes of weight training or 30 minutes of laps at the pool, just to mix it up a bit and still give my joints a break.

Time: 28:00 min
Distance: 1.70 miles
Sensation: Entertained, pleasantly sweaty

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