Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Upper Body and Catch-up

I slipped up a bit and didn't write yesterday, but I did run!  For some reason, it was a little slower than usual, which is probably why it felt a little easier than usual.

I realized today that I run 2 minutes slower per mile than I did in September.  Hopefully that will improve as we head into week 4 tomorrow.

Also, I am beginning to work out 5 days a week for the time being.  It is odd because the C25K program gives me something to do three times a week.  I felt lost going into the gym today because there wasn't anyone in my ear telling me when to do what.  It was fine, though, because I did go in with a plan.  A five-minute (which turned into 7 as I got caught up in the Kentucky game) warm up on the elliptical with three sets of 15 on an upper-body circuit.  Then on Thursday I'll work on lower body.  As far as core goes, I should probably be doing those every day, but I don't.  One thing at a time, though.  One thing at a time.

I saw several people I know at the gym today.  I like it when people know me wherever I am, but more so at some place that I find threatening like the gym.  So, a big shout-out to you if we see each other at the gym!

Next week I am going to try the Nike Training Club App.  It looks like it will be really good, and I have been really excited to try it out since I downloaded it, but I didn't want to add in too much too fast.  Then again, I also really liked swimming on "off" days back when I did it.  I guess I'll just try different combinations, and we'll see what I like best.  I just know that I need to do something to firm up the muscles before I start losing weight from all the running so as to prevent flab.

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