Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Day 26: Dreadmill

This entry is really belated, but better late than never.

On Friday I exceeded my 50 mile mark, but I was feeling very discouraged after I couldn't make it through my first run.  I have decided that it's due to the treadmill and the mental strength running on it demands.

On Saturday I bought my first pair of REAL running shoes at Runner's Corner in Orem, UT.  They were so wonderful and treated me like I was a real runner.  It was really encouraging.

I am trying to decide whether I want to continue the C25K outside, take a break for a while, or what.  Because feeling discouraged is not going to fly with me.  I'm going to at least continue staying active because even though I've begun to dread running on the treadmill, I do know that I am happier with my life when I'm exercising regularly.

The workout:
Mile Pace: 15:28
31 minutes, 2.0% incline
2.00 miles

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